Wilson & Turner - F2 Savannahs

Michelle  - so happy to hear from you.  I looked up your website and found several surprises  -  your baby - soooo beautiful.....and those kitten - lucky guys to be exposed to her and visa versa I think.

I have had two severe illness in my close family in the past year and a half.  Turner and Wilson saved me. I wish I could just write a book to tell you how amazing Turner and Wilson.

Turner is regal - and he definitely thinks he is royalty.  He literally stops traffic.  He has his own Tmobile and goes out daily - usually to the ocean to watch the waves.  If there are many people around he draws crowds -   Mostly he does not mind the people or dogs - he feels safe in his chariot

He is still skinny - definitely looks like a cheetah - all the bones...he is a picky eater but usually get plenty of food down but just does not as yet gain mass.  Michael loves him this way. I would feel more comfortable If he had a little more meat on his bones.  Turner sleeps with me - head on my pillow and just snuggles  - he is the sweetest cat I have ever seen - but just with me-  some Michael but he is definitely a mommy boy.  He loves to play and we play with him several times day.  He loves to play fetch - he taught himself - and he also  has one of those little balls that light up and he looks like a pro socker player and carries it around in his mouth.  He also loves  his wand and tunnels -  He likes dogs and ignores cats. He is territorial and does not like anyone to come into our house -  he lets them know they are not welcome.  He swats at them(without claws)  and sometimes hisses.   Turner loves to walk on his leash - and it was never something I had to teach him.   All said - he is remarkable.  I adore him and he loves me. 

Wilson - an entirely different cat - actually I don't think of Turner as a cat, but Wilson is a cat.  He is as cute as a button and  we love him dearly.  He can never get enough to eat - constantly hungry and he talks a lot -  has a great voice. Unlike Turner, when Turner is threatened he attacks but Wilson runs -  unless he is cornered then he hisses.....but Wilson is so gentle - he would never bite or scratch anyone ever -  He has lion paws - turner's look like a ballet dancer - and he has thick hair - beautiful color, as opposed to Turner who has slick silky hair.   Wilson would not consider playing fetch - nor would he go after anything thrown - but he loves his lamp chop and fights to the death with it often - he has several sizes -  he likes the wand but on the ground unlike Turner who likes it in the air where he can jump for it.  Wilson likes the balls in the toy that he can push around the course - he actually has more energy than Turner but he does not play as hard.  One funny thing- Turner sleep with me all night - but a soon as I move even a little in the morning Wilson comes up to us and as if by agreement Turner gets up and Wilson takes his place and I cuddle Wilson for a while - its like clock work and they just agreed to this behavior. Wilson loves me and is attached but Turner is his first love.    They are amazing  - and did I tell you how smart they both are!!!

Together, I wish you could see them.  As you suggested we kept them apart for the first week when Wilson came - finally Turner noticed he was "behind" the door and they started to sniff - so we open a fence up so they could see one another which they immediately jumped or knocked down and jumped each other - we were worried that Turner who was an only spoiled boy would not like Wilson, but it was amazing how much they loved and love each other.  They wrestle all the time - like to chew on each other and lick each other.....what a hoot they are together

I have thought of you often over the year and wondered how you were doing with your

Pictures to follow - hopefully you will get a bit of flavor of their growing up.

Michelle Tuck